About Us

About Us

Ever since our inception in the year 1985, Union Realty has strived to build a world of luxury and excellence via elite residential, commercial and luxury projects encompassing posh areas of the city. Our presence in real estate for over two decades while creating properties for our customers has helped us set a benchmark become a reputed and trusted realty company.

Equipped with world-class amenities, great infrastructure, solid foundations, reliable building materials, plush surroundings, clear documentation and certification; the properties by Union Group clearly stand apart.

The Best Partner to Find New House.

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Our Vision

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House for Everyone

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Competitive Price

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Long-Term Investment

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Book a Site Visit​

Visit our residential and commercial sites today to get a clearer view and idea of the planning, carpet area, location, surrounding, amenities and more. Before you plan to invest in the elite properties of Union Group, Book a site visit today.